Zen Expert Spotlight: YouTuber Tyler Rugge
In 2015 Tyler Rugge started his YouTube channel that now has over 360,000 subscribers. Along the way he has documented rescuing his Sulcata Tortoise, Letty.
Paws For a Trip /Lokai Rose, a New Jersey based wildlife experience and education nonprofit, hosted an event in February featuring Zen Habitats enclosures! Children and adults alike had an up-close look at various reptiles and learned about care, ideal environments, and more.
For Your InformaZEN
Tricia Koczor from Reptilian Garden recently posted two great videos on her YouTube channel - check them out!
Browse our zenhabitats.com Expert Websites, Social Media, and Articles page for recommendations on great resources covering the world of reptiles, reptile husbandry, and much more!
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