Zen Habitats, Inc. manufactures reptile-specific habitats and accessories that are designed to support the physical and emotional needs of your pets. Our enclosures provide a commercially viable alternative to glass aquariums, which are too small for medium-sized lizards (i.e. bearded dragons) and snakes. We strive to create habitats that are not only functional but beautiful, easy to assemble, and affordable. We believe we achieved this with our newest design. Read our story below or read this article published by Reptiles Magazine to learn how we got started.
Why We Created Zen Habitats
Like most people, we purchased a reptile enclosure kit (specifically a bearded dragon kit) when we first got our baby dragon. Soon after, our beardie was attacking the walls, running up and down the sides of his enclosure, and threatening to bite us when we tried to pick him up. We did some research and discovered our enclosure was causing our beardie to stress-out!
The enclosure was too small. Most reptiles do best in a 4'x2'x2' habitat which gives them room to run, jump and climb.
Seeing their own reflection in the glass creates undue anxiety. Most reptiles, are territorial and do not like their own reflections.
Glass enclosures are not great at retaining heat. High wattage bulbs are necessary to keep the temperatures at the right levels, wasting electricity.
Many reptiles and amphibians have a parietal eye which helps them spot aerial predators. Approaching hands mimic birds of prey, which cause reptiles to freak out.
To calm our beardie down, we needed to find a proper habitat that allowed him to have a healthy and happy life.
We looked for a proper habitat (a large, wooden, front opening habitat) and nothing was available at the local and national pet stores. We discovered that most reptile owners build their own, so that was what we did. We realize that not everyone has the equipment, know-how, or time to build a suitable habitat for their babies. That is why we created Zen Habitats - to provide all reptile, and other small animal, owners the access full-size habitat that will keep their babies physically and emotionally healthy. We also wanted to design beautiful habitats you will be proud to display in your home.
For more information feel free to contact us at support@zenhabitats.com.